马超,男,汉族,中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。2012年本科毕业于合肥工业大学,2017年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,其后在中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室工作,2022年就职于威廉体育平台最新网站。主持纵向项目3项(国家级1项、省部级2项)、横向项目2项,发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文27篇,获授权发明专利10项。担任 Molecules杂志客座编辑,担任Chemical Engineering Journal、Composites Part B等多个期刊审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯阻燃耐磨透明涂层的设计、性能及机理研究”,2019/1-2021/12,26万元,主持。
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,“阻燃低烟低毒环氧树脂的设计、性能及机理研究”,2018/11-2020/11,5万元,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题“受限空间典型高分子材料燃烧行为和机理的研究”,2020/1-2024/12,296.5万元,参与。
4. 国家重点研发计划课题“高阻燃耐老化弹性体制备关键技术”,2021/12-2025/11,1233万元,研究骨干。
5. 国家重点研发计划课题“氟化工过程巨灾情景构建及应急能力评估技术研究”,2018/7-2021/6,380万元,研究骨干。
1. Yan Wang#, Wei Liu#, Yapeng Zheng, Chao Ma*, Weizhao Hu*, Synthesis of phosphorus-sulfur-containing polyols for intrinsic flame retardant flexible polyurethane foams with enhanced mechanical properties, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2024, 6, 2924-2932.
2. Guangyong Jiang, Yuling Xiao, Ziyan Qian, Yuting Yang, Pengfei Jia, Lei Song, Yuan Hu, Chao Ma*, Zhou Gui*, A novel phosphorus-, nitrogen- and sulfur-containing macromolecule flame retardant for constructing high-performance epoxy resin composites, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451, 137823.
3. Kang Zhang, Yan Wang, Yuling Xiao, Yapeng Zheng, Jingyi Lu, Chao Ma*, Yuan Hu*, Fabrication of a highly-efficient phosphorus-silicon-containing transparent coating to improve fire safety of poly(methyl methacrylate), Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 159, 107004.
4. Yapeng Zheng, Kang Zhang, Yan Wang, Chao Ma*, Zhou Gui*, Fabrication of a high fire safety, transparent coating for polymethylmethacrylate with superior hardness and adhesion, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 172, 107079.
5. Chao Ma, Shuilai Qiu, Yuling Xiao, Kang Zhang, Yapeng Zheng, Weiyi Xing*, Yuan Hu*, Fabrication of fire safe rigid polyurethane foam with reduced release of CO and NOx and excellent physical properties by combining phosphine oxide-containing hyperbranched polyol and expandable graphite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431, 133347.
6. Kang Zhang#, Chao Ma#, Yapeng Zheng, Feng Zhou, Yuling Xiao, Weiyi Xing*, Yuan Hu*, A novel coating of hyperbranched poly(urethane-phosphine oxide) for poly(methyl methacrylate) with high fire safety, excellent adhesion and transparency, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2021, 161, 106481.
7. Liang Cheng#, Jingwen Wang#, Shuilai Qiu*, Junling Wang, Yifan Zhou, Longfei Han, Bin Zou, Zhoumei Xu, Yuan Hu, Chao Ma*, Supramolecular wrapped sandwich like SW-Si3N4 hybrid sheets as advanced filler toward reducing fire risks and enhancing thermal conductivity of thermoplastic polyurethanes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 603, 844-855.
8. Chao Ma, Kang Zhang, Feng Zhou, Yapeng Zheng, Wenru Zeng, Bibo Wang, Weiyi Xing*, Weizhao Hu*, Yuan Hu, Fabrication of flexible polyurethane/phosphorus interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) foam for enhanced thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 189, 109602.
9. Feng Zhou#, Chao Ma#, Kang Zhang, Yin yam Chan, Yuling Xiao, Bernhard Schartel, Manfred Doring, Bibo Wang, Weizhao Hu*, Yuan Hu*, Synthesis of ethyl (diethoxymethyl)phosphinate derivatives and their flame retardancy in flexible polyurethane foam: structure-flame retardancy relationships, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 188, 109557.
10. Yuling Xiao, Xiaowei Mu, Bibo Wang, Weizhao Hu, Junling Wang, Feng Zhou, Chao Ma*, Yuan Hu*, Lei Song, A novel phosphorous-containing polymeric compatibilizer: effective reinforcement and flame retardancy in glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 205, 108536.
1. 马超,张抗,郑亚鹏,阚永春,宋磊,胡源,一种含磷硅透明阻燃涂层的制备方法,授权日期2023-3-10。
2. 马超,周峰,胡伟兆,汪碧波,宋磊,胡源,一种含磷丙烯酸酯阻燃剂及其制备方法和应用,授权日期2021-10-1。
3. 宋磊,肖玉玲,马超,胡伟兆,胡源,一种聚合型阻燃增效相容剂及其制备方法和应用,授权日期2021-10-1。
4. 马超,马世聪,周峰,胡伟兆,汪碧波,宋磊,胡源,一种含磷氮DOPO衍生物阻燃剂及其制备方法和应用,授权日期2021-7-6。
5. 胡源,周峰,马超,刘佳佳,张抗,汪碧波,胡伟兆,宋磊,一种含缩醛结构阻燃剂及其制备方法和应用,授权日期2021-7-6。
6. 马超,袁尧,周峰,汪碧波,胡伟兆,宋磊,胡源,一种含磷氮阻燃多元醇、其制备方法及其在制备阻燃聚氨酯泡沫中的应用,授权日期2020-8-28。
7 马超,阚永春,胡伟兆,汪碧波,宋磊,胡源,一种聚(苯基膦酸酯-酰胺)阻燃剂、其制备方法及其在聚酯中的应用,授权日期2020-6-26。
8. 马超,马小鹏,吴德林,宋磊,胡源,一种柔性半透明防水隔热膜及其制备方法,授权日期2020-5-12。
9. 马超,胡伟兆,汪碧波,阚永春,胡源,宋磊,一种含氧化膦超支化膨胀阻燃剂及其制备方法和应用,授权日期2019-4-5。
10. 胡伟兆,马超,宋磊,胡源,汪碧波,一种含磷含氮阻燃多元醇及其制备方法,授权日期2017-6-16。